

yezhi 带来无限 2022-07-17

We have only eight short years to get ready to move into the fourth dimension, and in that time, we human beings still have to go through many disasters and tests, such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, viral plagues, extreme weather high and low temperatures and so on. From the 2024, it will gradually dehumanize the three dimensions of human existence, and people with a sixth sense are already practicing moving to the four dimensions in advance, even to other species on earth, have Known for 10 years that a new paradigm of existence has begun to shift, while the vast majority of us are still in the dark. After 2030, the earth began a new operation programming, in these eight years, the earth in various ways to the pollution of the earth, to create a new environment to meet the new people on Earth, that is, children born after 2030, they are God's children sent by Heaven to protect the earth, it is the honor of the Earth's human being, it is a blessing, it is a happy-go-lucky mode of existence like heaven on earth, if you long for such a beautiful way of existence, i began to use my natural sixth sense wisdom to rapidly increase my inner positive energy dimension (adjust my heart's vibration frequency) to adapt to the earth's mode of operation as it ascends into the fourth dimension.

On December 21,2012, the earth ended its 3D and began its ascension to the fourth dimension. What's the difference between the third and fourth dimensions, i've described it in the previous article, and I'll sum it up in one sentence: The way we live now in three dimensions, which in turn runs existence, which defies all complexity. Some people say, I like the way I live now, I don't want to upgrade to a four-dimensional space, okay, okay, your consciousness is that it always wants to go to kindergarten, never wants to grow up, doesn't want to upgrade its high-dimensional intelligence, always be a moron who doesn't need anything new, just like with an old person's phone, always be a carrier of low memory, don't want to upgrade memory software, until the carrier is too old to use. The children born after 2000 are the main body to create the future human new intelligent people. Your mission is to lead the next generation of God and son how to take care of the Earth's environment in the simplest and most environmentally friendly way and never pollute the earth, it is a generation that leads the way to high-dimensional wisdom, ease, freedom, pleasure and respect for natural frugality.

Therefore, as the parents of post-zero children, they should have the spirit of great love to serve the earth, fully support the children's own wishes, and provide sufficient relaxed environment for these children to play freely. They should not force their children to study across the century, something out of date. You know, we modern people most of the time, energy, energy, are spent on learning the useless things of the times, which is also the human immortality factor. Life, is not to mix a meal to eat, not be starved just, why need so hard work, so hard work? To be honest, I myself have been completely rid of the low three-dimensional way of being. 

Tip: for those of you who want to stay on earth, please follow me on each of my guided tweets and take heart in the true meaning of high dimensions.


从2024 年开始,将逐渐去化三维度空间的人类生存模式,现在拥有第六感较强的人,早已经开始提前做好了转向四维度空间存在的练习准备,甚至连地球上的其它物种,都在10年前已经知道开始转变了新的存在模式,而唯有我们人类绝大多数还蒙在鼓里,一无所知。


地球在2012 年12月21日这一天,结束了三维空间的运行模式,开启了扬升至四维度空间运行模式,那么三维度和四维度之间的运行模式有什么区别,我在前面的篇文里已经描述过,现在用一句话概括:将我们现在三维度的生存方式,反过来运行存在,去化一切复杂性的生存模式。那有人说,我喜欢现在的生存方式,不想升级到四维度空间可以吗,可以的,你的意识就是其自己总想上幼儿园,永远不想长大,不提升自己的高维度智慧,永远做一个什么新生事物都不需要的低能人,就像用老年人的手机,永远成为低内存的载体,不想升级内存软件,直至该载体老化到无法使用为止。





